Women of Destiny (W.O.D.) Ministry exists to be one of the major implementers of the vision, mission values and goals of Charisma Christian Center focusing on extending the love of Jesus towards women. For the glory of God!


To align with Charisma’s vision to grow to a multi-ethnic women fellowship group that focuses on worshipping God, equipping women believers and evangelizing un-churched women


Acts 2:46-47 (NIV)
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,  praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”


In alignment with Charisma’s Mission: to lead women to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ

GOALS (Focus Areas)

W = Worship - exalt God;
E = Focus on mission - evangelize unchurched women
D = Discipleship - equip women who are believers

W.E.D. (Married For Life) To Christ, our Groom , Is Our Goal!!!

W.E.D. to Christ --> P.T.A to Put our Faith into Actions
P = Pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit
T = Teach each goal using God’s words of truth
A = Apply lessons learned in our personal lives

Women's Ministry Cooking Class
Women's Ministry Cooking Class

For more info, please contact Jan.Drahota@charismacenter.com

J.O.Y. Hiking
J.O.Y. Hiking

For more info, please contact ebeltran1966@hotmail.com

If you are interested in more information about the ministry, please contact:

Jan Drahota | jan.drahota@charismacenter.com