SUNDAY SERVICE - 11:30 AM, after the morning worship

YOUTH NIGHTS - every 3rd Friday of the month


Here at Charisma Christian Center, our Youth Ministry is dedicated to bringing young people into a community that supports their growing faith. Through fellowship, worship, teaching, and enriching life experiences, we hope to help young people find their gifting, calling, and foundation in the word of God. We are a group who is accepting of people from all different walks and experiences. Through diversity and acceptance, we hope to reflect the Church as Jesus envisioned. More importantly, we hope to provided a safe place for young; by supporting them spiritually during their most turbulent times in life: adolescence. Our goal is to guide young people during the difficult issues teens face today, and to lead them as they grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. At the end of the day, we hope that young people will come as they are, and leave becoming divinely inspired to be the person God called them to be.


We exist to lead the next generation of Christian leaders into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ


To build an environment where young people can grow and shine in their faith. A place where young people from all walks of life can worship and experience Jesus in a personal way


Charisma Christian Center is a Church belonging to the Assemblies of God. We adhere to the “Assemblies of God 16 Statements of Fundamental Truths”. These are a few principles we strongly hold on to.

1. The Bible is the Final Authority
The Bible is the divinely inspired word of God! It is the ultimate authority that guides believers into Godly living. We believe in the inerrancy of the scriptures and the infallible nature of God’s word to us.

2. The Lordship of Jesus Christ
We preach Jesus, plain and simple. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that he is the Lord of every believer. We believe that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. Nobody else can come to the Father except through his Son, and we want the world to know about the Good News that Jesus came to preach.

3. Sanctification of Believers
Sanctification is the process of shedding off our old nature, and being transformed into the “perfect image” which God had always intended for us. While perfection is not something attainable in this lifetime, Sanctification bring us slowly closer to who God intended us to be. Sanctification is the process of the Holy Spirit shaping and pruning the sinful things we still cling on to.

4. The mission of the Church
The Church is the body of Jesus Christ. We stand on the word of God, we submit to Jesus as Lord, and we are empowered by the Spirit to create an impact in our community! God wants to restore this world from the brokenness which plagues it, and God uses his Church to be the instrument for bringing about change. Even as a youth group, we can make an impact in our schools and among our friend-groups. The Church is not meant to be idle, but to be an influence to the world.

Our Youth Event Calendar:

If you are interested in more information about the ministry, please contact:

Pastor Richard Moya | (206) 718 - 9343 |